Our mission is to make sure that your short stay among us is most agreeable, in comfort and respect. We will discuss with you about your condition and offer you a choice of treatments tailored for it. This will be done with the most recent technological innovations.

When and why would you see an oral & maxillofacial?

Your dentist could find a particular condition in your mouth that would require the advice from a specialist. He (She) may then determine that the best option would be to refer you to a specialist. There are several dental specialties, such as: oral and maxillofacial surgery (mostly for any type of surgeries in you mouth or face); periodontics (mostly for the treatment of gingival diseases); endodontics (mostly for root canal treatments); orthodontics (mostly to straighten the teeth). We are the specialists for surgical treatments in and around the mouth and face.

Latest News

Re-opening of the clinic

It is with great pleasure that we learned from the Health Minister to allow the opening of dental clinics for non emergent care only. We stayed open for this period to help patients in need, provide sorting through tele dentistry and provide care for acute emergencies, in accordance with the ODQ. Our clinic will be able to provide care for your referred patients with pleasure, beyond the established government regulations for personal protective equipment and air quality standards.  

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